martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Movie Diary

My group, made up of Vanessa, Kristen and Lochlan and I, remade a scene out of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The first movie of the most amazing series ever. We chose to do this scene because Ness and I are completely OBsessesd with Harry Potter and this scene is the introductory scene to the main characters. We also chose it because it had four characters and we had four actors. Lochy also really wanted to play a woman. Hence the 'trolley lady.' We had a lot of fun filming and deciding on costumes. Ron's wig is not at all realistic but i think it adds to the absurdity to it all. I found a HP robe in an op shop a few months ago so that came in handy playing Hermione. We decided to film in the library because it's large and we could simulate a train carriage. We filmed next to a window but the scenery doesn't move as it would on a train... Lochy and i were the only people to film, the other girls were in each scene. I filmed the first half while Lochy was on the camera and he filmed the second half. There are a few things that we noticed during editing that we didn't realise while filming, like Vanessa still had her nose ring in, Scabbers was visible in a few shots when he wasn't meant to be and Ness' fixed glasses were in shots.
I did all of the editing but I really really enjoyed it. It didn't take much time to figure out what to do and when i got started I was on a roll.
I had a lot of fun filming and editing this movie.


martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Be Kind Rewind

List all the movies the Be Kind Rewind worked made. Describe what materials they used to make the costumes.

Tinsel, tin foil, apron,fishing wire, vacuum cleaners, marshmellows, slime, photocopied faces
Black suits, (setting- playground)
Helmets, hair dryer, rubbish bins, tin foil, grill off a car?
cut out pictures of lions
boxing shorts, boxing gloves
yellow/orange space suit
filmed in black and white, monkey suit
black suits

martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

Compare The Texts

What are the similarities between the two films? Include characters, plot, costume, setting and themes?
Most teen films take normal situations and make them big and bad. Clueless had changing status' and popularity and so did The Breakfast Club. They both had a bunch of completely different people thrown together and changing, for the better. As they're both about secondary students, they're both set in an American secondary school. I don't think the costumes were very similar except in the fact that the costumes suited each character, such as the popular girls both wore the expensive, attractive clothes, and the geeky students had the nerdy clothes.

What are the differences between the two films? Include characters, plot, costume, setting and themes?
There a lot of differences between the two films. The characters in The Breakfast Club are stereotypical, such as, John being the bad boy, and Brian is the classic nerd. Whereas in Clueless, the characters are also fairly stereotypical but not to the extreme. The plot is also very different.

The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club

Write a sentence about each of the five student characters. Brian, Claire, Allision, Andrew & John.
  • Brian is the nerd of the group. He is misunderstood by everyone. He is under a lot of pressure from his parents to do well.
  • Claire is the gorgeous, popular girl, she doesn't talk to any of the others as she's better then them. But nearing the end of the film, she explains that its all just a facade.
  • Allison is an emo. There's really no other way of describing it. Black clothes, black hair, thick dark eye make up. Brooding nature.
  • Andrew is the jock, the sports freak. He and his "group" are bullies who pick on anyone who isn't as "cool" as them. Eg, Brian.
  • John is the classic bad boy. Doesn't give a stuff about anyone. Himself included.
How do the students feel about each other at the start of the film? How and why does this change?
No one talks to anyone. Except from the occasional deliberately annoying noise from John. No one wants to be there. This changes over the course of the day. Moods change quickly, one minute they're sitting there in silence, the next they laughing at someone, then at each other. Then they're in tears and declaring themselves. Revealing themselves to people they've never spoken to and probably will never speak to again.

What is the plot of The Breakfast Club?
Five secondary students are thrown together in a Saturday detention. None of them are friends and they couldn't be more different from each other. But as the day wears on, they become closer, eventually becoming friends.

What are the costumes worn by the following characters: Brian, Claire, Allision, Andrew & John.
  • Brian wears a geeky green woollen jumper, beige trousers and a big watch. He has a very nerdy appearance. But surprisingly he didn't have glasses as the stereotype has.
  • Claire, being the popular girl, wears beautiful, expensive clothes. Tight skirt, pink blouse, neat, stylish hair cut, manicured nails, expensive jewellery.
  • Allison wears mostly black. Black clothes, hair out covering most of her face, thick black eye make up.
  • Andrew wears a sports hoodie and jeans,sneakers. Neat appearance.
  • John wears loose jeans, loose flannelette shirt over a white long sleeved shirt, oversized shoes, chains hanging off his jeans. Rough, gangster look.
Where is the film set? Include all sub settings.
The film is set in the secondary school library for most of it, but it also uses the corridors, the gymnasium and the front of the school. Oh, and inside the roof.

List and briefly describe the issues and themes raised during the film? How are they similar/different to other teen films you have watched?
'Never judge a book by it's cover' and 'People aren't always as they appear' were major themes in the film. Each person was hiding something and how they were seen was not actually who they were.
Each student had issues with their home life. Pressure from parents, bullying by parents etc etc.
Most teen films have similar issues to normal teens, to attract their attention and draw them into the story. The Breakfast Club used this too.

Does this film appeal to you? Why or why not?
I really enjoyed the film. I loved the extreme changes of the group. No one spoke to anyone then their declaring themselves. It was really good.

martes, 20 de julio de 2010


Answer the following questions:

What is the genre of teen films? What typically occurs in a teen film? Where are teen films usually set? List 5 teen films you have watched?
The genre of most teen films is romance and/or comedy. Most of the time, Boy falls in love with girl. Unlikely couple etc etc.
  • 5 teen films I've seen are;
  • Mean Girls,
  • Step Up and Step Up to the Streets,
  • Twilight Saga,
  • Never Been Kissed and
  • Legally Blonde 1 and 2
Teen films are usually set in a secondary school, at a shopping centre, beach, movies, places normal teens hang out on a day to day basis.

Describe the following characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh, Murray, Elton, Travis, Mal (Cher’s Dad), Mr Hall and Miss Geist.
  • Cher is a popular girl with a very high opinion of herself. When Tai comes she is more interested on taking her in as a project rather than actually being her friend.
  • Dionne is Cher's best friend. She is not a material as Cher but still has a high opinion of herself and Cher. She doesn't particularly like how she i treated by her boyfriend Murray.
  • Tai doesn't really fit in anywhere or with anyone. so when Cher takes her in, she does her best to change herself to become more popular. But she lets her newfound popularity get to her head though and she looses her friends.
  • Josh is Cher's "step brother" but they're technically not related. At the beginning of the movie, he doesn't get along at all with Cher but as the story progresses they fall in love. He's a pretty laid back kinda guy who knows what he wants out of life.
  • Murray is Dionne's boyfriend. He treats her more as an object than as a girlfriend. Even though he knows she doesn't like it, he calls her woman. He doesn't have a lot of respect for her. He is very laid back.
  • Elton is the most popular guy in the school. He has an extremely high opinion of himself. He's attractive and he knows it. He wants to get in with Cher but she's not interested.
  • Travis is the skater dude every movie has. He is the unlikely guy that someone always falls for. He is also very laid back and casual.
  • Mal is Cher's dad. He basically only really cares about his business. He teaches Cher to talk and negotiate her ways out of problems and situations where she is not in control.
  • Mr Hall is one of Cher's teachers. He made life difficult for Cher when he failed her on her debate and he wouldn't let her talk him around it. Eventually, thanks to Cher he falls in love with Miss Geist and they get married.
  • Miss Geist is another of Cher's teachers. Cher gets the two teachers together so they'll leave her alone.
Describe how the following characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai and Josh develop over the text.
Cher and Dionne go from only caring about themselves to finding themselves and becoming more popular in the process. Instead of thinking they are above everyone else, Cher volunteers for things she would never of dreamed about.
Tai goes goes from being the geeky new girl, to "the project", to the most popular girl in the year. All in a few months.
Josh starts out being awkward around Cher, they can't stand being around each other, but at the end of the film, they fall in love.

Describe the costumes worn by the following characters Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh and Murray.
The costumes are seriously outdated.
  • Cher wears short skirts with long socks and heels or sandals. She always wears outrageous and bold colours and patterns. Her clothes are always matching.
  • Dionne wears 'black person' type of clothing, tight plaits with beads in her hair, big, bizarre hats and bags.
  • Tai begins by wearing really bad clothes but as her status rises so does her fashion sense. She is 'coached' by Cher in what to wear.
  • Josh wears mostly casual clothes. Jeans and a tee. Sometimes a jumper and he is often seen wearing a baseball cap. He is a laid back type of person which is reflected in his clothing/costume.
  • Murray is laid back- to the extreme. He wears really loose jeans half way down his bum and basketball shirts. Typical black jock.
What is the plot of Clueless?
Rich, popular girl wants to help unpopular, geeky new girl become not so geeky and unpopular. Pretends to be friends. New girl takes over and becomes more popular and Cher is replaced. New girl, Tai falls "in love" with Cher's step brother, Cher gets jealous but step brother Josh falls in love with Cher so they live happily ever after.

Where is the film set? Include all sub settings.
The film is mostly set at the school. Using classrooms, staffroom, cafeteria and front of school as sub-settings. Shops in the local mall and bedrooms and certain rooms in Cher's house are also used.

List and briefly describe the issues and themes raised during the film? How are they similar/different to other teen films you have watched?
Clueless is a classic teen film. Filled with unlikely romances and changing status'. Popularity is power is the major theme or issue explored in the film.

Does this film appeal to you? Why or why not?
I love Clueless. Classic chick flick. Romance and comedy. What more could a girl want?


Why have you picked Media as an elective?
I picked Media because I thought it would be an interesting and productive class.

What would you like to achieve by the end of this Semester?
I've never used photoshop before so I'm looking forward to using it. I'm also really looking forward to filming a movie. I'm very dramatic so it's going to be a lot of fun.

What is Media?
Media is a way of communicating, informing and entertaining a variety of people.

List all the types of media do you consume?
Television, internet, radio, magazines, newspapers, ipods, itunes, mobile phone.